Thursday Jun 29, 2017
Thursday Jun 29, 2017
Why Millennial Entrepreneurs Need A Personal Development Plan With Hector Santiesteban (AoL 094) by Angles of Lattitude
Thursday Jun 22, 2017
What Strong Working Relationships Can Do For Your Brand W/ Sean Webster (AoL 093)
Thursday Jun 22, 2017
Thursday Jun 22, 2017
What Strong Working Relationships Can Do For Your Brand W/ Sean Webster (AoL 093) by Angles of Lattitude
Thursday Jun 15, 2017
Why Am I Here? - Discover Your Personal Mission With David Anderson (AoL 092)
Thursday Jun 15, 2017
Thursday Jun 15, 2017
Full Show notes: newinceptions.com/92
Success looks different to different people. You might not know that if your career only involved formal education and getting a job upon graduation. In fact, if you've gone that traditional route, you might believe that those who have the most money or the most fame might be considered the most successful. I believe that this model simply doesn't fit in today's new world. Sure, I might say that a majority of people still believe that to be considered successful, it just happens to you - but I and many other creators would say that success comes with achieving what you set out to do - whatever that might look like. Today's guest, David Anderson, is the co-author of the book The Delusion of Passion: Why Millennials Struggle with Success. This book might sound familiar because Laila and I had the opportunity to speak with Mark Nathan about book back in session 23. It was also the book that "I helped re-publish" last year. For me, a lot of things have changed since then - including learning how to really launch books and courses - but one thing stayed constant: I still hadn't met the "other" co-author of the book. Then I found out that he did a TEDx talk. As I watched his presentation and got the chance to know jim, I realized why Mark had chosen him to help him write the book. He really is an impressive guy. He's seems to have accomplished everything that he's wanted to do - and through his own experiences, he really has a lot to teach others. In this chat with David, Albert and I find out more about his mindset he used to land a job at the White House, how the entire process of writing the book with Mark went, how he got into international trading, and much more. We even ask him questions you guys submitted about finding one's own mission. If you're a fan of the Delusion of Passion, or simply want to get to hear more about what it takes to really achieve your dreams - this session is for you. Thanks for listening, and enjoy the show!
Thursday Jun 08, 2017
Thursday Jun 08, 2017
Performance Coaching For Coaches: Learning How To Be a Profitable Coach W/ Marc Mawhinney (AoL 091) by Angles of Lattitude
Thursday Jun 01, 2017
Thursday Jun 01, 2017
Work Smarter, Not Harder - How To Be More Productive In Your Day With Lisa Crilley Mallis (AoL 090) by Angles of Lattitude
Thursday May 25, 2017
Thursday May 25, 2017
Teenagers With Attitude - Learning About Today’s Teen Entrepreneurs With Easton Allred (AoL 089) by Angles of Lattitude
Thursday May 18, 2017
Thursday May 18, 2017
Show Notes: newinceptions.com/88 Stage fright, fear of public speaking, or performance anxiety are things that many people, especially creatives, have to deal with to achieve some sort of success in their lives. If you want your message to be heard, then you're just going to have to deal with it - so many of the experts say. How exactly do you deal with it? Personally, I've always struggled with it as far back as I can remember. It prevented me from joining the debate team in high school and it also prevented me from trying to achieve more in band. Later, when I was in college, I couldn't help but have a dear in headlights look in my communications classes... and then finally, when I hit grad school, it was really a fight or flight situation. Either I get over it and teach 6 classes of 30+ students, or don't go to grad school. I had no interest to do research. Those classes were rough, but I made it through. For today's guest, Marti MacEwan, she had a similar struggle. It suddenly hit her when she attempted to sing - but couldn't. From that point on, she made it a point to figure out why she couldn't. And she came to find out that it stemmed all the way back to her childhood. As she found out where her fear actually came from, she learned to cope with it. What she found out she later shared in her book: The Stage Fright Cure. In today's chat, Veronica and I learn from Marti more about this path of hers, where the book came from, and some really good tips for you if you're struggling with stage fright. Thanks for listening, and enjoy the show!
Thursday May 11, 2017
Thursday May 11, 2017
Show notes: newinceptions.com/87 Depression can be a heck of a struggle - and it can hit us at any time. For creatives it can be triggered by the simple feeling of being alone because no one understands what it is you're trying to do. For a lot of people, though, it can set in from life not going the way we'd expect it to. For me, I went through depression 3 times in my first two years of college. I was used to being great in my academic studies and all of a sudden, I wasn't. I eventually found out that the cause of my depression was due to my major, and I switched soon thereafter. For our guest, Anthony Hayes, he realized back in 2004 that he was chronically depressed himself. He set out on a mission to figure out how to not only get out of it, but then to not fall back into it ever again. Besides coming up with his M5 strategy, he also has written a book on the matter, and continues to help others with the problem. Besides this mission, he's the host of Me, Myself, and I Radio, and co-founder of the Facebook Community - Podcast Discovery Center. Join us as we find out more about this journey of his and the purpose of his work that he does today. Thanks for listening, and enjoy the show!
Thursday May 04, 2017
Thursday May 04, 2017
Show Notes: newinceptions.com/86 I throw the term interesting around quite a bit - but I think it's a great descriptive word for many of the guests that we have on the show. Today's guest is no different. Brian Drury leads a very interesting life. From traveling all over the world for his day job, to being an author, speaker, and coach - it seems he has life made. But it wasn't always that way. In fact, he started his career out of school like many of us - in a job that didn't necessarily match who he was. In this session's discussion, Laila and I find out what prompted him to leave his first job out of college. We also discuss what kind of process he went through to write his first book, and how he became a Amazon best seller. If you feel that you might be going through a quarter life crisis (or even a mid life crisis!), then this chat is for you. Thanks for listening, and enjoy the show!
Thursday Apr 27, 2017
Thursday Apr 27, 2017
Full Show Notes: newinceptions.com/85
We gamers - we're an interesting group. Many of us join the ranks for social reasons or just because it's a great past-time. When I first started playing online games, I quickly developed friendships with folks that I had never met. But because we were on daily, we got to know each other. I still keep in touch with some of those peeps - nearly 20 years later (dang). It's very common to build those bonds. However, sometimes we outgrow our needs for games - we realize that there's more out there and many of us have to put down the games to achieve those new things. I've had to do that myself, as well as today's guest. However, I wouldn't say that we've quit gaming as a whole. I'd still rather play than watch TV. And today's guest, Franz Cavatorta, has gone to another level - he actually makes fellow gamers his clients if they need a website done for their clan, guild, or crew. In today's chat, Daniel (also a gamer) and I talk with Franz. We learn what inspired him to start this business and some of the experiences he's gone through to get to the level he's at today. He also discusses some of the things that this lifestyle allows him to do - which, in itself, is a great reason to start. If you're a gamer and you're looking for some options to be more constructive with your time, then you might be able to learn a thing or two from Franz. Thanks for listening, and enjoy the show!