Thursday Dec 01, 2016
Thursday Dec 01, 2016
Shownotes: newinceptions.com/64 Most of us are doing who are working for ourselves have a passion for it or it's just a talent that we can monetize. Just like we have our strengths, we also have our weaknesses. For many solopreneurs, marketing can be a weakness. I know I'm always trying to figure out what I can do better in improving my ability to connect with more people. To me, the "feel" of connection is really important in achieving true success in a business. I feel that the best marketing is done by coming from a place of simply adding value to others. Sometimes, though, it's hard to express that value in a way that motivates your potential clients from seeking you out for help. That's where today's guest, Debra Jason, focus is at. Having started in the catalog publishing business, she has taken what she’s learned from there and has helped many people nationally and internationally say what they mean in a way that moves people to take action. She’s also the author of the book, Millionaire Marketing on a Shoestring Budget in which she covers items like improving your blog following, how to get fewer spam complaints, and other basic fundamental strategies that will motivate your audience to take action. If you’re looking to improve the way you connect with people about what you have to offer, then this is chat will definitely help you out. Enjoy!
Thursday Nov 24, 2016
Thursday Nov 24, 2016
If you're creating a business from scratch, there's going to be so many things that you need to learn. Shownotes: newinceptions.com/63 If you're going to building it online, you're probably going to be utilizing some form of content marketing. Be it a podcast, making videos, or writing. If you're making a podcast, there's plenty of information out there. But what I've found out is that there's not many folks that are going to take the time and really show you from the beginning what you need to know. There isn't really any niched podcast teaching assistants. In this session, I get the chance to chat with Laura Petersen, one of the co-founders of Podcast Teachers. Not only does she teach people how to podcast, but she also teaches copy as well. And she does it all while she's traveling around the world. In this podcast, we discuss how relatively "easy" it is for people to get started in podcasting, what she's been able to learn from past businesses, and we talk a little about mindset when starting a successful business. Enjoy!
Thursday Nov 17, 2016
Thursday Nov 17, 2016
Making content and regularly posting it is a great way to grow an audience. In fact, it's like, one of the most common pieces of online business advice around right now to do some sort of content marketing as soon as possible. Blogs, Podcasts, YouTube videos - these are all forms of content marketing. But the real question is, how do you build engagement? And once you build that engagement, how do you keep people coming back for more? Shownotes: newinceptions.com/62 Cam Adair, today's guest, is all about building relationships with people. That's one of the main things he gets out of helping those in his Game Quitters community. Relationships. Oh, that, and he just loves helping people with whatever he can. In fact, this past October, Cam went to Tanzania to help a village get potable water... and he made even more "online" friends while he was there. So in this first Silver Edition session (meaning second interview), Ginger and I get the chance to chat with Cam about his recent trip. We also talk a little strategy about how he's been able to engage so well with his followers, and finally what he's planning on doing to continue building Game Quitters. Enjoy!
Monday Nov 07, 2016
Monday Nov 07, 2016
Show notes: newinceptions.com/61 When it comes to getting started making a living on something you love to do, it can be hard to determine where to be begin. What happens a lot is that many of us will have interests in tons of subjects and we'll try to involve all of that into what we're doing. Depending on how exactly you do that, you can have one of two results. It can either differentiate you from the pack, or, what tends to happen most of the time, is that you spread yourself too thin when it comes to others understanding how you can help them. So, the trick, is to fixate on one segment of your life like today's guest, Joe "Woo" Rychalsky has done. Joe has many interests that he could have pursued as a business. But he didn't. Instead, he decided to take it upon himself to help others do something he wasn't able to - find and fit into the right job and career for them. Trying to find that niche that you can help others with can be tough, and there's a lot riding on the decision we finally make. So, in this chat we're going to help you make that decision by walking you through his story of becoming a coach and what all he has considered while making the decision to help others figure out their dream career. We'll also talk about what you need to look for when choosing your own coach, and we briefly talk about his podcast entitled The JoeWoo Career and Life Show.
Thursday Nov 03, 2016
Thursday Nov 03, 2016
Show notes: newinceptions.com/60 In today's world, people are not used to compliments. In fact, they're used to the opposite - complaints. When people are asked why they dread going to work, one of the most common responses is, "I feel like I don't belong." Part of that can be attributed to only being reprimanded when they do something bad. Not necessarily be thanked when they actually perform well on the job. Today's guest, Joey Chandler, is trying to change that - one person at a time. Through his work via You Are Videos, people get to actually hear good things about themselves for once. In this chat, we find out how he stumbled into his new profession of being a video producer by way of professional photographer, how you can become a videographer, and we also get to hear how he'd recommend finding your first clients. Enjoy!
Thursday Oct 27, 2016
Touring Alaska And Teaching English By Rejecting The Menu With Drew Badger (AoL 059)
Thursday Oct 27, 2016
Thursday Oct 27, 2016
Show notes: newinceptions.com/59 It seems that most everyone in the world wants to be a part of modern western culture in one way or another. I don't think you can go far in most big cities in the world without seeing a McDonald's or Burger King. That said, traveling abroad shouldn't be this big scary thing anymore - especially if you're American. There seems to be hundreds of books, podcasts, courses, shows and instagram accounts about travel and learning to speak other languages. But for so many people, it still seems unobtainable. To actually get out and move around the world and explore. Today's guest, Drew Badger, is all about getting out of the norm. In fact, that's how he's lived his life for quite awhile now. Having grown up in the midwest and going to Japan as soon as he could, he's done something that many only dream of doing. But he didn't stop there. He's always looking to do more outside of the norm - rejecting the menu. So that's what we talk about in this session. The ideas and influences he had as he was growing up that made him go live a life of adventure. We also talk a bit about how he started English Anyone, and how he's been able to make the brand as successful as it is. Enjoy, and thanks for listening.
Thursday Oct 20, 2016
Thursday Oct 20, 2016
Overwhelmed. Lethargic. Swamped. Lost. This is what we can feel like in the valleys of our work and our lives. You... Show notes: newinceptions.com/58 - think you're the only one who cares. - feel that you're the only who gets stuff done on your team (if you're lucky enough to have one). - get lost in the fog of un-motivation. (Or is it “de-motivation”?) - start wondering "what if I'm doing it all wrong?". No matter the success level, at one point or another all creative entrepreneurs go through this funk. It comes with the territory - just like crazy success. Today's guest, Danielle Watson, knows all about the highs and the lows - the peaks and the valleys. From being on all types of media platforms talking about her Purse Process, to having to do a TEDx presentation during one of the most dramatic periods of her life. She's gone through it. In this interview, Laila and I get the chance to ask her why she chose the major she did as a self professed girly-girl, how she stumbled upon the Purse Process, and more about what all happened during the time she was preparing for her TEDx talk. Enjoy!
Thursday Oct 13, 2016
Thursday Oct 13, 2016
Of course you’re worried about your business idea. Of course you don’t want to put all the time and effort into building a business only to realize there was a mistake built into the idea that will forever stunt it’s growth. Show Notes: newinceptions.com/57 But how do you know if something that comes along is better than what you were already doing? How do you know it's time to put something that you poured into onto a shelf, say "It's not working as well as I'd like." and start doing something else? In today's session, content artist, Felipe Frietag talks about how he essentially stumbled onto the business he has today. Even though that's not what he started off doing. In fact, he started off as a trainer and coach. We talk about his artwork, when he knew it was time to pivot, why he's focused on providing his particular type of service, and what counts as good content marketing. Enjoy!
Thursday Oct 06, 2016
Dane Maxwell Unplugged - The Journey From Entrepreneur to Musician (AoL 056)
Thursday Oct 06, 2016
Thursday Oct 06, 2016
Full Show Notes: newinceptions.com/56
One huge risk in modern small business is to spend months or years working on a project only to release it… and find nobody wants it.
That's one of the issues that The Foundation tackles head on. When I first heard it's founder (and today's guest) Dane Maxwell discuss the matter with Pat Flynn on the SPI Podcast, it blew me away. Not only did he promote not having the initial idea, but he also said you can build this product with no funding of your own AND no money. Ever since then, I haven't looked at business the same way. However, one thing that I realized about the way that Dane approached business was that he was using it as a method to make an income, sure. But was it his calling? Today, we find him entering into another point in his life - becoming a musician. Daniel and I were really interested to find out more about what he was up to when given the opportunity. In this conversation with Dane, we talk about way more things than the transition. We also discuss what he's learned about people during his time running The Foundation, why many people struggle to find worth, and more about his style of music and the message he wants to convey with it. This is a great listen if you're a fan of Dane's or genuinely want some good soul food. Enjoy!
Thursday Sep 29, 2016
Thursday Sep 29, 2016
Shownotes: newinceptions.com/55 Real talk: are you working your butt off trying to figure out what your niche is? So many business advisors on the web today are about finding one avatar that you can serve. For me, that never really worked. Nor has it worked for today's guest - Summer Edwards. Summer is another member of Fizzle (why haven't you joined yet?) that I had the opportunity to meet. In a blog post a month or so back, she really hit the nail on the head when she brought up that women and especially women entrepreneurs, don't "brag" about their success. Summer's success is multi-faceted. She's a blogger, consultant, and leader who works with people in several niches. Those include sustainable fashion and social innovation. In today's talk, we discuss her success with these aspects of her, what she calls, portfolio career and what she's learned along the way. We also dive into what made her made the transition in the first place. Note: I didn't know much about sustainable fashion going into this chat, so I'm kinda like a kid asking random questions in this one. But Laila was definitely on it. Enjoy!